NJ FileMaker Developer Group Meeting Recap SoSIMPLE Calendar – 09/28/2011
The September meeting was interesting from several prospectives. We had our core group of people, of which I’m still the youngest, probably by age, as well as time spent in the community. I brought to the meeting a box of Dunkin’ Donuts munchkins, for no particular reason. I also learned that Ginger Bread is out for my Thunderbolt, so I downloaded and installed it during the meeting (yes, I can multitask).
Ken D’Oronzio from Paradise Partners presented his fairly new product: SoSIMPLE Calendar. I have four words for it: it blew my mind. He had a session for it during DevCon but I didn’t get to see it, so I was looking forward to it, especially, because I have a client who could use the calendar in his new database.
It is a product of many features. SoSIMPLE Calendar takes advantage of several web technologies such as PHP and AJAX, but it is built on FileMaker. This will be a calendar solution ZeroBlue will implement in client databases, starting now.
Here are some of the things that I found amazing in SoSIMPLE Calendar:
- Drag & Drop interface without coding
- The calendar is displayed in a web viewer (server does the processing)
- Combine multiple data sources (FileMaker)
- Subscribe and feed data to Google, Outlook, iCal, etc.
- CSS styling
- Extensive customization options
- Quick implementation for FileMaker, web and mobile platforms for the same calendar
- Action handling by script trigger
Ken did a good job getting everyone’s interested in the product. The room was full of excited developers ready to dig in. We got to ask questions and got a walk-through for creating and viewing a calendar. This is what a community meeting is all about.
I can only recommend SoSIMPLE Calendar. Most certainly looking forward to implementing it.
If you need a calendar implemented in your solution, feel free to contact us.
If you have a product to present or just would like to join us for the next meeting with questions, contact Adam Aronson at www.fullcityconsulting.com.